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8 tips for working from home
Monday 23 March 2020

March has been a very strange month to say the least, we are all now entering the unknown with many of us (ones lucky enough) continuing our jobs, working from home. For many this is a completely new concept, one that at first perhaps seemed exciting but now may be a little daunting.
Thinking about how we can manage our day to day tasks working from home, potentially for the next 3 months. With that in mind Venue Search London (VSL) wanted to share some top tips for working from home!
1. Have a plan
Keeping your motivation and productivity is important when working from home, something that will really help this is having a plan. Stick to your regular hours however, if it is possible to be flexible use this to your advantage. For instance, some people just aren’t morning people (although I think most of the VSL team are), if you can agree with your manager that you'll work 10:00am-6:30pm instead of your normal 9am-5:30pm, why not! Also, writing a “To do” list will help plan out your day or evening and ensure you are sticking to a little normality!
2. Morning routines
Here at VSL, we’re all about comfort so if you’re comfortable in those pyjama bottoms that’s great but, for some this can lead to being a little unmotivated and lethargic. A morning routine is a fantastic way to keep normality in your day, whether that’s jumping in the shower, making a cup of tea and drinking it whilst listening to the radio or going for a run (only if you’re able to do so in a safe and open space). Have a morning routine in place and maybe change into new pyjamas’ or athleisure for your working hours.
3. Fresh Air
Fresh air is important for our productivity but, also it’s just nice to have, especially when you’re cooped up all day. Go for a walk around your block (or even on your landing), for those who are lucky enough to have a garden get outside for an hour or so in the day and if all else fails, open a window. Spring is coming and we can still enjoy it from afar!
4. Socialise
In our current time of social distancing, modern technology is our best friend. Socialising with your team is great for morale, it’s really important for us as a team as we love to bounce ideas off of each other. At the moment Microsoft Teams is bringing us together, so have a conference call and virtual coffee with a colleague or even a client.
5. Learn
Take the opportunity to up-skill or learning something completely new, there is so much available online. VSL are working with our partners to keep up to date and will be sharing exciting content!
6. Office space
You don’t need a fully professional office set-up (although if you do that’s amazing), however it can really help to separate your work space to the rest of your home. Try to clear a sacred area whilst you’re working and keep the couch and your bedroom for “after work”. Be sure to hide all traces of your day at the office else you may be tempted to do more work in the evening.
7. Personal space
Speaking of space, one minute you’re in a large office, a tonne of space, large windows and a couple of feet away from your colleagues. The next you’re in a one bedroom flat with your partner, 2 children, dog and a budgie! Try and communicate with those you’re at home with to ensure it’s working for you, this is where flexible timings can come in handy as well as headphones and outside space.
8. Positivity
Last but certainly not least try and stay positive! It’s such an important factor in happiness and will really help whilst working from home.
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