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Venue Search London lead the way with a live Meet Up

Sunday 9 August 2020

 Venue Search London and Story Meet Up at Tobacco Dock  Brainstorming breakouts at Tobacco Dock

After five months of Zoom meetings and flexi-furloughing, it was great to see the whole Venue Search London and Story Events team at our Tobacco Dock Meet Up last Thursday, where we discussed our plans for developing our business over the coming months as we prepare for a safe return to live events.

We felt that it was important to "lead the way" in staging a safe live meeting and we are grateful to the team at Tobacco Dock for allowing us to be the first company to hold a meeting in one of their Studio spaces.

With the two metre social distancing in place, and using the venue's impressive LED wall, we were updated in the various plans for Venue Search London, the Story bespoke events and Shows teams on our plans for the next 12 months as we, and many other event agencies navigate their way out of the current challenges to what we expect to be a strong 2021 for the London events industry.

Our Founder Director, Sam Gill, then introduced the breakout sessions which was based around the fable "Our Iceberg is Melting", which is a short book by John Kotter from Harvard Business School.  The book tells the story of a group of penguins who need to adapt and change as their home gradually melts away.  It certainly gave us a great mindset to explore how our business needs to evolve and change as we face our own challenges across the UK events industry.

Tobacco Dock offers plenty of outside seating where we spent time in the warm sunshine in our breakout groups, before returning to the Studio to present our ideas to the whole team.

We will be working on our plans over the coming weeks, but there were some great ideas presented including how we can develop our Story Studio live streaming and recording facility at our London Bridge offices, work more closely across our teams to deliver Hybrid and Virtual events and how Venue Search London can increase the number of events that we book outside of our capital. (Yes we do this too!).

Finally, the team were presented with our plans to return to our lovely new London Bridge HQ, which we fitted out in February and spent three happy weeks enjoying before heading home in mid-March.  We are looking forward to returning in small groups over the coming weeks and our Meet Up reminded us that there is no better way to share ideas and work on client briefs when we are working socially-distanced face-to-face!

If you would like to find out more about the great Studio Spaces at Tobacco Dock or get some recommendations on the best small meeting and conference spaces for groups of up to 30 delegates,  please give is a call on 0207 870 9303 or start your free venue search using the panel on the top right of this page.

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